I never thought I could ever enjoy being by myself as much as I do now. I suppose that the feeling also has something to do with me not meeting anyone I can see myself really enjoying myself around. Scratch that, I've met some people who make me smile, not the polite kind either, really smile. It's especially easy to tell when the smile is real because, lately, with all the Europeans I have been talking to, I've found myself nodding, grinning widely, and saying things like "Yeah haha" whenever I don't understand what someone's telling me. I follow body language at least, but in the majority of scenarios I end up coming off as an endearing, but retarded American. I figure it's better than the other option, which would be me asking the person to repeat themselves until they give up and pretend whatever they say didn't matter anyway.
I digress... Today I went on another of my solo adventure walks. I planned on heading to The Stanens Museum For Kunst (The National Gallery) because I've been doodling a lot in my sketchbook and wanted to see what Picasso could do with a pencil in his exhibition. My plans changed after I had walked for a couple of miles towards what I thought was the museum. In actuality I was headed perpendicular from my planned destination, into an area of the city called "Norrebro."
When a Danish newspaper ran a comic featuring a caricature of Muhammad, I was taken aback by the mammoth shitstorm that followed. That was five years ago, and the newspaper still is threatened my terrorists who got pissed off after seeing, or hearing about other people seeing, an image of Muhammad. Without the benefit of research, I always imagined Scandinavia as just being populated by a race of tall Arians who eat well-rounded diets. After seeing Norrebro though, two kabob stands on every block, the phone shops with signs only written in Arabic, and the clothing stores strictly catering to Islamic fashion, it was clear that there was a huge Middle Eastern community in Copenhagen.
I had been hoping for a place like Norrebro ever since I saw my first restaurant menu that refused to dip below the ten dollar mark. Just minutes after crossing the bridge into the district, I found a kabob joint where I bought a gyro for a very American four dollars. It was good too! I didn't find a single bone shard, which is more than I can say for any of the cheapest restaurants in the US (I'm looking at you, McDonalds).
This is one of the light posts on Dronning Louise's Bridge,
which leads to the land of cheap kabobs
As much as I wish otherwise, I wasn't able to spend my entire trip to Norrebro eating delicious delicious delicious Middle Eastern cuisine... mmmm. Another cool part of the area - aside from the plentiful graffiti, which covered buildings in areas that would require a ninja or Solid Snake to reach - is a huge graveyard that houses many (all) of the Danes who make Danes proud to be Danes. It's called Assistens Cemetery, under its soil lie such greats as Hans Christian Andersen (Little Mermaid... other stuff like that), Soren Kirkeguard (Philospher I hadn't heard of until yesterday), and many people no one outside of Denmark would bother making a trip to see.
It was a pretty park that was open for cyclists and even dog walking. I was surprised by the latter, since Danes seem to think of dog shit as a natural part of the ecosystem rather than shit. But, even after passing probably a dozen dogs I did not spot a single nugget of feces on my entire walk through Assistens, although I probably stepped in some.
While exploring Norrebro, I found some shops that drew my interest far more than the obscenely expensive retailers of downtown. There was an electronics store whose esoteric collection of transistors, computer ribbons, and tons of other items that I would be scarcely prepared to identify if I were an engineer. And I thought Radioshack was overwhelming... It looked like they had all the necessary materials to build your own computer, from the chips to the cooling fan. I would have spent more time there annoying the staff by asking what everything was and not buying anything, but you had to take a number and stand in line if you even wanted to make eye contact with a worker. So I moved on.
The other good find was a thrift store with prices so low I could swear I was in a refugee camp. They were selling working lamps for five dollars, tacky but real paintings for twenty dollars, and many other things from silverware to teddy bears for prices I didn't think could exist in the third most expensive city in Europe.
See, if I went with other people, they would have just been whining and talking about how badly they wanted cake instead of wander around in a creepy graveyard (yes, owls were hooting), going into smelly second hand stores, or an spending unnecessary amount of time on taking pictures like this one!
It's a swan! They've got tons of 'em here.